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Three Things Consider When Choosing Your Ideal Tile

There are so many different tile options nowadays that it can feel a little overwhelming trying to figure out which is the best one for you.

To help you out, I’ve broken down my top three things to think about if you’re in the market for new tile.

White arabesque tile backsplash with pattern feature tile

What Purpose Are You Looking to Achieve?

Tile is an underrated hero in my opinion. The right tile can make SUCH a big difference in your space, but you need to understand what purpose you want it to serve in order to choose the right option.

In the broadest of terms, tile can either serve as a palette cleanser that blends in with everything else or it can be the star of the show.

Its important you know which of those directions you want to go before you start looking at tile and it often depends a lot on the rest of your design.

For example, if you have a busy countertop with a lot of veining or pattern then you might want to choose a simpler backsplash so that they aren't competing for attention.

Material Flat Lay with Blue Tile and Natural Accents

What Mood Do You Want to Set?

Mood plays a big role in selecting your ideal tile. If you want your room to feel relaxing, you’re going to choose a much different tile than if you want it feel playful and fun.

You can use color, pattern, texture, shape, or the way you lay it out to bring out different moods with the tile that you choose.

Marble tiled shower

Take Practicality Into Account

The practical side of things often gets overlooked when selecting tile but is something you definitely want to take into consideration.

Pay attention to where the tile is going when you are selecting it.

For example, a high gloss tile gets super slippery when wet and so it isn’t a good choice for something like a bathroom floor. If you’re choosing a backsplash tile, then ease of cleanliness is something else to think about when it comes to the texture of the tile. 


This is only a glimpse into the things you will want to think about when selecting your ideal tile, but I hope it helps point you in the right direction.

If you're looking for help in picking out or sourcing your ideal tile, thats what I'm here for! Some might even say I have a bit of a tile warehouse in my office.

Reach out below to set-up a free 15-minute Introductory Call to talk more about it!

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